ranking | World Rank | University | Det | Presence Rank | Impact Rank | Openness Rank | Excellence Rank |
1 | 510 | National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv (Kiev) Polytechnic Institute ( http://kpi.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kpi.ua ) | 836 | 221 | 88 | 2391 |
2 | 704 | National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Kiev) ( http://www.univ.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/univ.kiev.ua ) | 377 | 1022 | 620 | 1425 |
3 | 1116 | Donetsk National Technical University ( http://donntu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/donntu.edu.ua ) | 1653 | 1212 | 246 | 2871 |
4 | 1138 | Kharkov National University VN Karazin ( http://www.univer.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/univer.kharkov.ua ) | 1955 | 2263 | 234 | 1701 |
5 | 1242 | Lviv Polytechnic National University ( http://www.lp.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lp.edu.ua ) | 1091 | 1576 | 278 | 3147 |
6 | 1547 | Sumy State University ( http://www.sumdu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/sumdu.edu.ua ) | 730 | 3261 | 202 | 3311 |
7 | 1614 | National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (National Agricultural University) ( http://nubip.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nubip.edu.ua ) | 716 | 1689 | 243 | 5203 |
8 | 1629 | Carpathian National University Vasyl Stefanyk ( http://www.pu.if.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/pu.if.ua ) | 3251 | 620 | 1575 | 4583 |
9 | 1650 | Donetsk National University ( http://www.donnu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/donnu.edu.ua ) | 4511 | 742 | 456 | 5203 |
10 | 1766 | (1) Ivan Franko National University of Lviv ( http://www.franko.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/franko.lviv.ua ) | 4882 | 3203 | 985 | 1854 |
11 | 1864 | Odessa National I I Mechnikov University ( http://onu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/onu.edu.ua ) | 5329 | 2483 | 860 | 2736 |
12 | 1943 | Kirovograd State Pedagogical University ( http://www.kspu.kr.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kspu.kr.ua ) | 3974 | 1371 | 503 | 5203 |
13 | 1951 | Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University ( http://www.crimea.edu/ ) | ( /en/detalles/crimea.edu ) | 1643 | 1960 | 504 | 5203 |
14 | 1959 | National Technical University Kharkov Polytechnical Institute ( http://www.kpi.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kpi.kharkov.ua ) | 1970 | 3802 | 1480 | 2492 |
15 | 2043 | (1) National Aviation University (Kyiv (Kiev) International University of Civil Aviation) ( http://www.nau.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nau.edu.ua ) | 1650 | 4362 | 553 | 3394 |
16 | 2156 | (1) National Aerospace University Kharkov Aviation Institute ( http://www.khai.edu/ ) | ( /en/detalles/khai.edu ) | 4808 | 2867 | 814 | 3509 |
17 | 2164 | Ternopil National Economy University ( http://www.tneu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/tneu.edu.ua ) | 3760 | 1393 | 1905 | 4583 |
18 | 2185 | National Pedagogical University MP Dragomanova ( http://www.npu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/npu.edu.ua ) | 80 | 3231 | 1297 | 5203 |
19 | 2377 | Kharkov National University of Radio and Electronics ( http://www.kture.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kture.kharkov.ua ) | 3357 | 3372 | 3240 | 2542 |
20 | 2528 | East Ukrainian National University ( http://www.snu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/snu.edu.ua ) | 2900 | 3168 | 696 | 5203 |
21 | 2671 | Kharkov National Academy of Municipal Economy ( http://www.kname.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kname.edu.ua ) | 1667 | 6934 | 35 | 5203 |
22 | 2686 | Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University ( http://www.tntu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/tntu.edu.ua ) | 1274 | 3861 | 1289 | 5203 |
23 | 2707 | Borys Grinchenko Kyiv (Kiev) University ( http://www.kmpu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kmpu.edu.ua ) | 1844 | 1565 | 4529 | 5203 |
24 | 2861 | (1) National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy ( http://www.ukma.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ukma.kiev.ua ) | 6060 | 2277 | 1602 | 5203 |
25 | 3060 | Odessa State Polytechnic University ( http://www.opu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/opu.ua ) | 5805 | 4586 | 1148 | 4240 |
26 | 3181 | Odessa National Academy of Law ( http://onua.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/onua.edu.ua ) | 4736 | 4351 | 888 | 5203 |
27 | 3186 | Bukovinian State Medical University ( http://www.bsmu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/bsmu.edu.ua ) | 3002 | 5820 | 548 | 5203 |
28 | 3206 | Ukrainian Academy of Banking National Bank of Ukraine ( http://www.uabs.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/uabs.edu.ua ) | 2709 | 6500 | 384 | 5203 |
29 | 3247 | Zaporizhzhya National University ( http://www.znu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/znu.edu.ua ) | 1279 | 7240 | 613 | 5203 |
30 | 3460 | (1) Chernivtsi National University Yuriy Fedkovych ( http://www.chnu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/chnu.edu.ua ) | 3155 | 5740 | 1110 | 5203 |
31 | 3465 | Donetsk State Medical University ( http://www.dsmu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dsmu.edu.ua ) | 6840 | 3944 | 1398 | 5203 |
32 | 3473 | Lugansk National Univesity ( http://www.luguniv.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/luguniv.edu.ua ) | 4020 | 7595 | 218 | 5203 |
33 | 3636 | Sevastopol National Technical University ( http://sevntu.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/sevntu.com.ua ) | 323 | 7292 | 3967 | 4240 |
34 | 3681 | Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University ( http://www.zu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/zu.edu.ua ) | 3523 | 8634 | 248 | 5203 |
35 | 3886 | (1) Kyiv National Economic University Vadym Hetman (Kiev National University of Economics) ( http://www.kneu.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kneu.kiev.ua ) | 3223 | 6043 | 1848 | 5203 |
36 | 3911 | Melitopol State Pedagogical University ( http://www.mdpu.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/mdpu.org.ua ) | 7290 | 3595 | 2810 | 5203 |
37 | 3970 | Nezhinskii State University Nikolai Gogol ( http://www.ndu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ndu.edu.ua ) | 904 | 10049 | 848 | 5203 |
38 | 4054 | National University Ostrog Academy ( http://www.oa.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/oa.edu.ua ) | 3760 | 9529 | 320 | 5203 |
39 | 4200 | (1) Ivano Frankivsk State Technical University of Oil & Gas ( http://www.nung.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nung.edu.ua ) | 1951 | 7733 | 2029 | 5203 |
40 | 4360 | Vinnitsa National Technical University ( http://www.vntu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/vntu.edu.ua ) | 6840 | 7166 | 1063 | 5203 |
41 | 4368 | National University of Shipbuilding Admiral Makarov ( http://www.nuos.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nuos.edu.ua ) | 5109 | 10251 | 241 | 5203 |
42 | 4398 | Open International University of Human Development Ukraine ( http://www.vmurol.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/vmurol.com.ua ) | 9388 | 8246 | 207 | 5203 |
43 | 4519 | Poltava State Agrarian Academy ( http://www.pdaa.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/pdaa.edu.ua ) | 5781 | 7637 | 1308 | 5203 |
44 | 4617 | Slavonic University Kiev ( http://www.ksu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ksu.edu.ua ) | 7953 | 3950 | 4043 | 5203 |
45 | 4631 | Kyiv (Kiev) University of Economics and Law of the CRIC Krok University ( http://www.krok.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/krok.edu.ua ) | 3509 | 4346 | 5670 | 5203 |
46 | 4631 | Dnipropetrovsk National University Honchar ( http://www.dnu.dp.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dnu.dp.ua ) | 9607 | 8364 | 3169 | 2736 |
47 | 4676 | (1) Kharkov National University of Economics ( http://www.hneu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/hneu.edu.ua ) | 4736 | 8111 | 1539 | 5203 |
48 | 4777 | Ukrainian People's Academy ( http://www.nua.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nua.kharkov.ua ) | 7043 | 7436 | 1500 | 5203 |
49 | 4798 | Ternopil V. Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University ( http://www.tnpu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/tnpu.edu.ua ) | 7584 | 8474 | 871 | 5203 |
50 | 4862 | Lviv State University of Life Safety ( http://www.ubgd.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ubgd.lviv.ua ) | 1900 | 10112 | 1788 | 5203 |
51 | 4886 | Mykolayiv State Agrarian University ( http://www.mdau.mk.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/mdau.mk.ua ) | 7254 | 9243 | 708 | 5203 |
52 | 5094 | Uzhgorod National University ( http://www.univ.uzhgorod.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/univ.uzhgorod.ua ) | 7861 | 9698 | 3378 | 3026 |
53 | 5125 | Zhytomyr State Technological University ( http://www.ztu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ztu.edu.ua ) | 5662 | 9667 | 1115 | 5203 |
54 | 5135 | National University of Food Technologies Kyiv (Kiev) ( http://www.nuft.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nuft.edu.ua ) | 7600 | 9321 | 858 | 5203 |
55 | 5158 | Chernihiv State Technological University ( http://www.stu.cn.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/stu.cn.ua ) | 771 | 8590 | 4581 | 5203 |
56 | 5182 | Pryazovskyi State Technical University ( http://www.pstu.edu/ ) | ( /en/detalles/pstu.edu ) | 3481 | 9784 | 1762 | 5203 |
57 | 5431 | Cherkassy Institute of Banking ( http://www.cibs.ck.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/cibs.ck.ua ) | 3634 | 12200 | 753 | 5203 |
58 | 5444 | Lviv Medical University ( http://www.meduniv.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/meduniv.lviv.ua ) | 8502 | 7383 | 2072 | 5203 |
59 | 5519 | Kyiv (Kiev) National University of Internal Affairs ( http://www.naiau.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/naiau.kiev.ua ) | 4790 | 7513 | 3634 | 5203 |
60 | 5544 | Cherkassy State University ( http://www.cdu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/cdu.edu.ua ) | 4565 | 8381 | 3028 | 5203 |
61 | 5565 | Kyiv (Kiev) National University of Engineering and Architecture ( http://www.knuba.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/knuba.edu.ua ) | 10842 | 5737 | 2627 | 5203 |
62 | 5613 | Zaporozhye National Technical University ( http://www.zntu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/zntu.edu.ua ) | 9191 | 9453 | 909 | 5203 |
63 | 5643 | Sumy National Agrarian University ( http://www.sau.sumy.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/sau.sumy.ua ) | 510 | 11773 | 3135 | 5203 |
64 | 5840 | Uman State Agrarian University ( http://udau.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/udau.edu.ua ) | 7966 | 10450 | 1076 | 5203 |
65 | 5902 | Kharkov Regional Institute of Public Administration ( http://www.kbuapa.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kbuapa.kharkov.ua ) | 9922 | 10620 | 596 | 5203 |
66 | 5917 | Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications ( http://www.onat.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/onat.edu.ua ) | 8790 | 8058 | 2377 | 5203 |
67 | 5976 | National University of Management Kiev ( http://www.nam.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nam.kiev.ua ) | 6233 | 6627 | 4996 | 5203 |
68 | 5992 | Alfred Nobel University (Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law) ( http://www.duep.edu/ ) | ( /en/detalles/duep.edu ) | 5826 | 10190 | 2050 | 5203 |
69 | 6004 | Ukrainian Catholic University ( http://ucu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ucu.edu.ua ) | 4755 | 3526 | 10219 | 5203 |
70 | 6004 | Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy ( http://www.umsa.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/umsa.edu.ua ) | 11556 | 8556 | 1116 | 5203 |
71 | 6119 | International Institute of Business ( http://www.iib.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/iib.com.ua ) | 7211 | 5815 | 5773 | 5203 |
72 | 6235 | (1) Kherson State University ( http://www.ksu.ks.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ksu.ks.ua ) | 4692 | 7293 | 5569 | 5203 |
73 | 6358 | Lugansk State Institute of Culture and Arts ( http://lgiki.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lgiki.com.ua ) | 5742 | 3727 | 10219 | 5203 |
74 | 6373 | Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy ( http://www.zgia.zp.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/zgia.zp.ua ) | 7223 | 8931 | 3185 | 5203 |
75 | 6413 | Donbas State Academy Engineering ( http://www.dgma.donetsk.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dgma.donetsk.ua ) | 8757 | 9274 | 2270 | 5203 |
76 | 6648 | Uman State Pedagogical University Paul Ticino ( http://www.udpu.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/udpu.org.ua ) | 7553 | 13276 | 703 | 5203 |
77 | 6828 | Berdyansk State Pedagogical University ( http://www.bdpu.org/ ) | ( /en/detalles/bdpu.org ) | 2668 | 10204 | 5154 | 5203 |
78 | 6915 | Odessa State Medical University ( http://odmu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/odmu.edu.ua ) | 1037 | 9095 | 10219 | 4240 |
79 | 6952 | Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy Kharkov ( http://www.uipa.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/uipa.kharkov.ua ) | 7942 | 8930 | 3903 | 5203 |
80 | 7009 | (3) Kyiv National University Trade and Economics Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute ( http://www.chtei-knteu.cv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/chtei-knteu.cv.ua ) | 4160 | 5358 | 10219 | 5203 |
81 | 7035 | Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (Polytechnic University) ( http://www.kdu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kdu.edu.ua ) | 7503 | 12591 | 1458 | 5203 |
82 | 7101 | Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University ( http://www.chdu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/chdu.edu.ua ) | 7795 | 14595 | 475 | 5203 |
83 | 7187 | National Mining University of Ukraine ( http://www.nmu.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nmu.org.ua ) | 6206 | 9817 | 4390 | 5203 |
84 | 7239 | Rih State Pedagogical University ( http://kdpu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kdpu.edu.ua ) | 4882 | 12913 | 2310 | 5203 |
85 | 7304 | Dnipropetrovsk State Technical University of Railway Transport ( http://www.diit.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/diit.edu.ua ) | 5988 | 10456 | 4114 | 5203 |
86 | 7380 | Kharkov State Automobile and Highway Technical University ( http://www.khadi.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/khadi.kharkov.ua ) | 2577 | 6931 | 10219 | 5203 |
87 | 7400 | Kyiv (Kiev) National University of the Technology and Design ( http://www.knutd.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/knutd.com.ua ) | 531 | 8991 | 10219 | 5203 |
88 | 7511 | Lviv Academy of Commerce ( http://www.lac.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lac.lviv.ua ) | 8584 | 12399 | 1784 | 5203 |
89 | 7511 | Bogomoletz National Medical University ( http://www.nmu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nmu.edu.ua ) | 7489 | 7787 | 6526 | 5203 |
90 | 7537 | Bila Tserkva State Agrarian University ( http://www.btsau.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/btsau.kiev.ua ) | 12140 | 9294 | 1917 | 5203 |
91 | 7547 | Kyiv (Kiev) School of Economics ( http://www.kse.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kse.org.ua ) | 10300 | 8947 | 3812 | 5203 |
92 | 7559 | (1) National State Tax Service University of Ukraine / Національний університет державної податкової служби України ( http://asta.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/asta.edu.ua ) | 9714 | 6936 | 6209 | 5203 |
93 | 7666 | Donetsk Academy of the Road ( http://www.diat.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/diat.edu.ua ) | 11135 | 7502 | 4942 | 5203 |
94 | 7779 | Odessa State Economic University ( http://www.oseu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/oseu.edu.ua ) | 8458 | 11252 | 3117 | 5203 |
95 | 7789 | International Slavonic University Kharkov ( http://www.msu.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/msu.kharkov.ua ) | 12502 | 7623 | 3563 | 5203 |
96 | 7814 | Odessa State Academy of Food Technology ( http://www.onaft.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/onaft.edu.ua ) | 11198 | 8937 | 3729 | 5203 |
97 | 7814 | Poltava National Technical University Yuri Kondratyuk ( http://www.pntu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/pntu.edu.ua ) | 10198 | 11707 | 2000 | 5203 |
98 | 7892 | Institute of Neurosurgery AMS of Ukraine ( http://www.neuro.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/neuro.kiev.ua ) | 11328 | 12867 | 1002 | 5203 |
99 | 7910 | International Management Institute Kiev ( http://www.mim.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/mim.kiev.ua ) | 8995 | 6930 | 7261 | 5203 |
100 | 7933 | Transcarpathian State University ( http://www.zakdu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/zakdu.edu.ua ) | 4482 | 12811 | 3705 | 5203 |
101 | 7972 | Slavonic State Pedagogical University ( http://www.slavdpu.dn.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/slavdpu.dn.ua ) | 5981 | 13065 | 2949 | 5203 |
102 | 8099 | Odesa Regional Institute of Public Administration ( http://www.oridu.odessa.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/oridu.odessa.ua ) | 9221 | 11893 | 2691 | 5203 |
103 | 8160 | National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine / Національний університет цивільного захисту України ( http://nuczu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nuczu.edu.ua ) | 6826 | 11549 | 4344 | 5203 |
104 | 8169 | (1) Kerch State Marine Technical University ( http://www.kgmtu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kgmtu.edu.ua ) | 5405 | 12459 | 4114 | 5203 |
105 | 8219 | Kyiv (Kiev) International University ( http://www.kymu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kymu.edu.ua ) | 11808 | 11141 | 2199 | 5203 |
106 | 8269 | Kharkov Institute of Banking ( http://khibs.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/khibs.edu.ua ) | 12805 | 8557 | 3517 | 5203 |
107 | 8326 | Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine ( http://www.aau.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/aau.edu.ua ) | 11336 | 11785 | 2129 | 5203 |
108 | 8403 | Transcarpatian Hungarian College Ferenc Rakoczi II ( http://kmf.uz.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kmf.uz.ua ) | 8301 | 10840 | 4732 | 5203 |
109 | 8544 | Donbass State Technical University ( http://www.dmmi.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dmmi.edu.ua ) | 8622 | 7655 | 8130 | 5203 |
110 | 8572 | Rih Technical University Krivoy Rog ( http://ktu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ktu.edu.ua ) | 13259 | 9338 | 3300 | 5203 |
111 | 8572 | Chernihiv State Institute of Economics and Management ( http://www.geci.cn.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/geci.cn.ua ) | 4488 | 15596 | 2328 | 5203 |
112 | 8605 | National University of Water Resources and Environmental ( http://nuwm.rv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nuwm.rv.ua ) | 8851 | 11462 | 4237 | 5203 |
113 | 8744 | Kharkov State Academy of Zooveterinary ( http://zoovet.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/zoovet.kharkov.ua ) | 12805 | 8040 | 4942 | 5203 |
114 | 8744 | Kherson Economic and Legal Institute ( http://www.hepi.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/hepi.edu.ua ) | 13259 | 3919 | 10219 | 5203 |
115 | 8759 | Poltava State Pedagogical University Korolenko ( http://pnpu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/pnpu.edu.ua ) | 10368 | 13218 | 2214 | 5203 |
116 | 8783 | (1) State Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine ( http://www.dmeti.dp.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dmeti.dp.ua ) | 8384 | 10960 | 6526 | 4583 |
117 | 8930 | Kirovograd National Technical University ( http://www.kntu.kr.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kntu.kr.ua ) | 10218 | 14393 | 1677 | 5203 |
118 | 8938 | (1) Lugansk State Medical University ( http://www.lsmu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lsmu.edu.ua ) | 10037 | 11619 | 4002 | 5203 |
119 | 8942 | Volyn State University ( http://www.vdu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/vdu.edu.ua ) | 10794 | 8805 | 10219 | 3509 |
120 | 9003 | Kyiv (Kiev) University of Law National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine ( http://www.kul.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kul.kiev.ua ) | 7612 | 11472 | 5670 | 5203 |
121 | 9024 | Kyiv (Kiev) National University of Culture and Arts ( http://knukim.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/knukim.edu.ua ) | 8069 | 7274 | 10219 | 5203 |
122 | 9030 | Kyiv (Kiev) National University of Trade and Economics ( http://www.knteu.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/knteu.kiev.ua ) | 9392 | 7529 | 8827 | 5203 |
123 | 9068 | European University ( http://www.e-u.in.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/e-u.in.ua ) | 7966 | 9090 | 8130 | 5203 |
124 | 9114 | University of Banking of National Bank of Ukraine Kiev ( http://www.ubs.gov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ubs.gov.ua ) | 11355 | 11501 | 3685 | 5203 |
125 | 9122 | Donetsk State University of Management ( http://www.dsum.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dsum.edu.ua ) | 12452 | 11145 | 2839 | 5203 |
126 | 9198 | National University of Pharmacy Ukraine ( http://nfau.in.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/nfau.in.ua ) | 9351 | 12278 | 4237 | 5203 |
127 | 9241 | National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine ( http://www.uni-sport.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/uni-sport.edu.ua ) | 11015 | 7006 | 8827 | 5203 |
128 | 9333 | National University of Internal Affairs Kharkov ( http://www.univd.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/univd.edu.ua ) | 8127 | 7855 | 10219 | 5203 |
129 | 9341 | (1) Odessa State Environmental University ( http://www.odeku.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/odeku.edu.ua ) | 4640 | 14299 | 6051 | 4583 |
130 | 9455 | Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy ( http://www.dsma.dp.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dsma.dp.ua ) | 6161 | 9005 | 10219 | 5203 |
131 | 9523 | Kyiv (Kiev) Institute of International Economics and Business ( http://www.ier.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ier.com.ua ) | 7660 | 12772 | 5371 | 5203 |
132 | 9545 | (1) Chernihiv State Pedagogical University named Taras Shevchenko ( http://chgpu.cn.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/chgpu.cn.ua ) | 14786 | 13469 | 1464 | 5203 |
133 | 9614 | Zaporozhye State Medical University ( http://www.zsmu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/zsmu.edu.ua ) | 962 | 13722 | 8827 | 5203 |
134 | 9710 | Kamyanets Podilskiy National University ( http://www.kpnu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kpnu.edu.ua ) | 7930 | 15282 | 3066 | 5203 |
135 | 9875 | Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University ( http://www.vnmu.vn.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/vnmu.vn.ua ) | 3696 | 11108 | 10219 | 5203 |
136 | 9995 | Interregional Academy of Personnel Management ( http://www.maup.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/maup.com.ua ) | 8120 | 9141 | 10219 | 5203 |
137 | 10030 | Donetsk State Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems ( http://www.iai.donetsk.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/iai.donetsk.ua ) | 6327 | 11160 | 8827 | 5203 |
138 | 10031 | Berezhansky Agrotechnical Institute ( http://www.bati.ber.te.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/bati.ber.te.ua ) | 14490 | 5683 | 10219 | 5203 |
139 | 10056 | Faculty of Radio Systems for Aircraft ( http://www.xai.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/xai.edu.ua ) | 10717 | 11075 | 6362 | 5203 |
140 | 10062 | State University of Information and Communication Technologies ( http://www.duikt.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/duikt.edu.ua ) | 8475 | 9021 | 10219 | 5203 |
141 | 10070 | Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University ( http://www.dstu.dp.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dstu.dp.ua ) | 11261 | 13124 | 3970 | 5203 |
142 | 10105 | Agroecological Zhitomir National University ( http://www.znau.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/znau.edu.ua ) | 11914 | 13729 | 2927 | 5203 |
143 | 10156 | National Technical University of Agriculture Peter Vasilenko ( http://khntusg.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/khntusg.com.ua ) | 3047 | 11975 | 10219 | 5203 |
144 | 10194 | National Agrarian University Lviv ( http://www.lnau.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lnau.lviv.ua ) | 9748 | 14879 | 3300 | 5203 |
145 | 10233 | Kherson National Technical University ( http://www.kntu.net.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kntu.net.ua ) | 6701 | 12363 | 7623 | 5203 |
146 | 10323 | (1) Nikolaev State University VA Suhomlinskogo ( http://www.mdu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/mdu.edu.ua ) | 10872 | 15518 | 2358 | 5203 |
147 | 10362 | Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University ( http://www.vspu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/vspu.edu.ua ) | 11986 | 11843 | 4996 | 5203 |
148 | 10367 | Mukachevo Institute of Technology Mukachevo State University ( http://msu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/msu.edu.ua ) | 11076 | 15335 | 2497 | 5203 |
149 | 10375 | Poltava University of Consumer Cooperatives ( http://pusku.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/pusku.edu.ua ) | 10055 | 10782 | 7623 | 5203 |
150 | 10420 | Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky ( http://donduet.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/donduet.edu.ua ) | 6481 | 10718 | 10219 | 5203 |
151 | 10462 | Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade ( http://www.hduht.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/hduht.edu.ua ) | 12452 | 15017 | 1772 | 5203 |
152 | 10626 | Training Institute of the State Employment Service of Ukraine ( http://www.ipk-dszu.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ipk-dszu.kiev.ua ) | 11801 | 16183 | 1689 | 5203 |
153 | 10635 | Southern National Pedagogical University KD Ushinskogo ( http://pdpu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/pdpu.edu.ua ) | 3104 | 12840 | 10219 | 5203 |
154 | 10635 | Kharkov State Institute of Culture ( http://www.ic.ac.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ic.ac.kharkov.ua ) | 16543 | 8687 | 7261 | 5203 |
155 | 10751 | Kharkov National Pedagogical University ( http://hnpu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/hnpu.edu.ua ) | 11539 | 12292 | 5773 | 5203 |
156 | 10791 | Prydneprovskaya State Academy of Construction and Architecture ( http://pgasa.dp.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/pgasa.dp.ua ) | 9447 | 12538 | 6952 | 5203 |
157 | 10808 | Ternopil State Medical University ( http://www.tdmu.edu.te.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/tdmu.edu.te.ua ) | 7565 | 12011 | 8827 | 5203 |
158 | 10817 | Institute of Technology National University Vladimir Dal ( http://www.sti.lg.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/sti.lg.ua ) | 12140 | 14074 | 3095 | 5203 |
159 | 10873 | Feodosyyskoy Director of Finance and Economic Academy ( http://ffea.crimea.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ffea.crimea.ua ) | 14163 | 12088 | 4689 | 5203 |
160 | 10930 | Khmelnitsky University of Management and Law ( http://univer.km.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/univer.km.ua ) | 4096 | 13884 | 8827 | 5203 |
161 | 10943 | Donetsk University Institute of Law. E.O Didorenka ( http://www.dli.donetsk.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dli.donetsk.ua ) | 4448 | 12688 | 10219 | 5203 |
162 | 10985 | (1) National Transport University ( http://ntu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ntu.edu.ua ) | 4020 | 14002 | 8827 | 5203 |
163 | 11018 | Kyiv (Kiev) National Linguistic University ( http://www.knlu.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/knlu.kiev.ua ) | 6114 | 12003 | 10219 | 5203 |
164 | 11052 | Kyiv (Kiev) University of Tourism, Economics and Law ( http://kutep.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kutep.ua ) | 6674 | 11824 | 10219 | 5203 |
165 | 11194 | (1) Institute for Applied System Analysis ( http://ipsa.kpi.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ipsa.kpi.ua ) | 9022 | 14510 | 5904 | 5203 |
166 | 11204 | International Solomon University ( http://www.isu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/isu.edu.ua ) | 8692 | 12073 | 8827 | 5203 |
167 | 11227 | (1) Cherkasy State Technological University ( http://www.chiti.uch.net/ ) | ( /en/detalles/chiti.uch.net ) | 10717 | 9942 | 10219 | 5203 |
168 | 11257 | Kharkov National Medical University ( http://knmu.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/knmu.kharkov.ua ) | 11198 | 9678 | 10219 | 5203 |
169 | 11270 | Volyn Institute for Economics and Management ( http://www.viem.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/viem.edu.ua ) | 11614 | 16084 | 2797 | 5203 |
170 | 11346 | Berdyansk University of Management and Business ( http://bumib.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/bumib.edu.ua ) | 12754 | 12716 | 5225 | 5203 |
171 | 11365 | Lutsk National Technical University ( http://lutsk-ntu.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lutsk-ntu.com.ua ) | 12952 | 12924 | 4996 | 5203 |
172 | 11416 | Eastern University of Economics and Management ( http://www.suem.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/suem.edu.ua ) | 13477 | 16527 | 1593 | 5203 |
173 | 11426 | Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture ( http://www.dgasa.dn.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dgasa.dn.ua ) | 9244 | 11153 | 10219 | 5203 |
174 | 11443 | Kirovograd State Flight Academy of Ukraine ( http://www.glau.kr.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/glau.kr.ua ) | 12573 | 13495 | 4633 | 5203 |
175 | 11549 | (1) National Law Academy of Ukraine Yaroslav the Wise ( http://jur-academy.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/jur-academy.kharkov.ua ) | 10434 | 12324 | 8130 | 5203 |
176 | 11670 | Khmelnitsky Institute of Social Technology University of Ukraine ( http://hist.km.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/hist.km.ua ) | 14995 | 16972 | 1375 | 5203 |
177 | 11709 | Kyiv (Kiev) University of Economics and Transport Technology ( http://www.detut.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/detut.edu.ua ) | 10243 | 11103 | 10219 | 5203 |
178 | 11713 | Gorlovskogo State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ( http://www.forlan.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/forlan.org.ua ) | 15082 | 8537 | 10219 | 5203 |
179 | 11758 | Kherson State Agricultural University ( http://www.ksau.kherson.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ksau.kherson.ua ) | 12708 | 12906 | 5773 | 5203 |
180 | 11776 | Lviv State University of Physical Culture ( http://ldufk.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ldufk.edu.ua ) | 9599 | 12605 | 8827 | 5203 |
181 | 11784 | Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine ( http://www.amnu.gov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/amnu.gov.ua ) | 12140 | 10863 | 8130 | 5203 |
182 | 11799 | Kherson State Marine Institute ( http://www.kmi.kherson.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kmi.kherson.ua ) | 4667 | 15059 | 8827 | 5203 |
183 | 11824 | Kharkov State Kotlyarevsky University of Arts ( http://www.dum.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dum.kharkov.ua ) | 15044 | 14008 | 4390 | 5203 |
184 | 11887 | Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine ( http://amsu.dp.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/amsu.dp.ua ) | 9669 | 11723 | 10219 | 5203 |
185 | 11910 | Kharkov State Technical University of Construction and Architecture ( http://www.kstuca.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kstuca.kharkov.ua ) | 16939 | 8564 | 10219 | 5203 |
186 | 12040 | (3) Moscow State University Black Sea Branch Sevastopol ( http://www.msusevastopol.net/ ) | ( /en/detalles/msusevastopol.net ) | 12389 | 14057 | 5225 | 5203 |
187 | 12056 | Crimean Agrotechnological University ( http://www.csau.crimea-ua.com/ ) | ( /en/detalles/csau.crimea-ua.com ) | 11205 | 14383 | 6362 | 5203 |
188 | 12169 | Khmelnitsky National University ( http://www.khnu.km.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/khnu.km.ua ) | 11588 | 14285 | 6362 | 5203 |
189 | 12269 | Kyiv (Kiev) Humanities Institute ( http://www.kgi.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kgi.edu.ua ) | 16323 | 9318 | 10219 | 5203 |
190 | 12329 | Crimea State Medical University ( http://www.csmu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/csmu.edu.ua ) | 10828 | 11780 | 10219 | 5203 |
191 | 12431 | Academy of Design and Arts Kharkov ( http://www.ksada.org/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ksada.org ) | 17475 | 9383 | 10219 | 5203 |
192 | 12602 | (1) Odessa State Maritime Academy ( http://www.osmu.odessa.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/osmu.odessa.ua ) | 12015 | 11282 | 10219 | 5203 |
193 | 12612 | Academy of Fire Safety ( http://fire.ck.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/fire.ck.ua ) | 10672 | 12445 | 10219 | 5203 |
194 | 12633 | Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering ( http://udhtu.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/udhtu.com.ua ) | 11801 | 13509 | 10219 | 4240 |
195 | 12638 | Kharkov State Academy of Railway Transport ( http://www.kart.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kart.edu.ua ) | 8268 | 13910 | 10219 | 5203 |
196 | 12911 | (1) Bukovina University ( http://www.bukuniver.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/bukuniver.edu.ua ) | 13113 | 15657 | 4870 | 5203 |
197 | 12937 | National Academy of Culture and Arts Management / Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв ( http://dakkkim.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dakkkim.edu.ua ) | 11836 | 12172 | 10219 | 5203 |
198 | 13011 | Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade ( http://usufit.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/usufit.org.ua ) | 8314 | 14535 | 10219 | 5203 |
199 | 13115 | Sumy State Pedagogical University ( http://www.sspu.sumy.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/sspu.sumy.ua ) | 10393 | 13551 | 10219 | 5203 |
200 | 13183 | Vinnitsa Trade and Economic institute ( http://www.vtei.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/vtei.com.ua ) | 4900 | 16172 | 10219 | 5203 |
201 | 13234 | Conservatory Odessa Musical Academy ( http://odma.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/odma.edu.ua ) | 3554 | 16804 | 10219 | 5203 |
202 | 13278 | Lviv National Academy of Music Lysenko ( http://conservatory.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/conservatory.lviv.ua ) | 17962 | 15626 | 4633 | 5203 |
203 | 13318 | Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyj State Pedagogical University Gregory Pans ( http://phdpu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/phdpu.edu.ua ) | 11836 | 13898 | 8827 | 5203 |
204 | 13338 | Ivano Frankivsk National Medical University ( http://www.ifnmu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ifnmu.edu.ua ) | 7372 | 15508 | 10219 | 5203 |
205 | 13349 | Lutsky Institute of Human Development ( http://lirol.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lirol.com.ua ) | 13244 | 18207 | 2366 | 5203 |
206 | 13349 | International Scientific and Technical University Academician George Buhay ( http://www.istu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/istu.edu.ua ) | 12424 | 11911 | 10219 | 5203 |
207 | 13491 | Lugansk National Agrarian University ( http://www.lnau.lg.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lnau.lg.ua ) | 12774 | 12105 | 10219 | 5203 |
208 | 13537 | Vinnitsa State Agrarian University ( http://www.vsau.org/ ) | ( /en/detalles/vsau.org ) | 11198 | 13727 | 10219 | 5203 |
209 | 13566 | Khmelnitsky University of Economics and Business ( http://www.uniep.km.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/uniep.km.ua ) | 18161 | 17243 | 3010 | 5203 |
210 | 13593 | Kyiv (Kiev) State Maritime Academy ( http://www.maritime.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/maritime.kiev.ua ) | 14460 | 11994 | 10219 | 5203 |
211 | 13823 | Kyiv (Kiev) National Trade and Economic University ( http://www.htei.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/htei.org.ua ) | 15901 | 16273 | 5165 | 5203 |
212 | 13949 | Odessa Theological Seminary ( http://www.odessasem.com/ ) | ( /en/detalles/odessasem.com ) | 14692 | 12528 | 10219 | 5203 |
213 | 13976 | Izmail State Humanities University ( http://idgu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/idgu.edu.ua ) | 13547 | 16173 | 5904 | 5203 |
214 | 14125 | Lviv Institute of Management ( http://www.lim.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lim.lviv.ua ) | 15573 | 12680 | 10219 | 5203 |
215 | 14151 | Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration ( http://www.academy.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/academy.kiev.ua ) | 12062 | 13779 | 10219 | 5203 |
216 | 14182 | Donetsk Institute of Tourist Business ( http://www.ditb.donbass.com/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ditb.donbass.com ) | 18490 | 12039 | 10219 | 5203 |
217 | 14346 | Kyiv (Kiev) National University of Theater, Film and Television IK Karpenko-Kary ( http://www.knutkt.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/knutkt.kiev.ua ) | 18771 | 12163 | 10219 | 5203 |
218 | 14346 | Kyiv (Kiev) University of Market Relations ( http://kumr.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kumr.edu.ua ) | 15573 | 13061 | 10219 | 5203 |
219 | 14353 | Ukrainian Academy of Printing ( http://www.uad.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/uad.lviv.ua ) | 14023 | 13309 | 10219 | 5203 |
220 | 14413 | Sevastopol Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry ( http://www.sinp.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/sinp.com.ua ) | 17535 | 12763 | 10219 | 5203 |
221 | 14496 | Lviv Academy of Arts ( http://www.lnam.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lnam.edu.ua ) | 15901 | 14794 | 8130 | 5203 |
222 | 14643 | (3) University of Banking of National Bank of Ukraine Lviv Institute of Banking ( http://www.lbi.wubn.net/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lbi.wubn.net ) | 12482 | 14066 | 10219 | 5203 |
223 | 14667 | Galician Institute of Vyacheslav Chornovil ( http://www.gi.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/gi.edu.ua ) | 12339 | 15959 | 7623 | 5203 |
224 | 14728 | Dnipropetrovsk Law Institute ( http://law-edu.dp.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/law-edu.dp.ua ) | 13080 | 14097 | 10219 | 5203 |
225 | 14744 | Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture ( http://www.ogasa.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ogasa.org.ua ) | 14232 | 13945 | 10219 | 5203 |
226 | 14756 | (3) International Solomon University Eastern-Ukrainian Branch ( http://www.msu-kharkov.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/msu-kharkov.edu.ua ) | 18180 | 13148 | 10219 | 5203 |
227 | 14776 | Academy Army Hetman Sahaidachny ( http://www.asv.gov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/asv.gov.ua ) | 15730 | 13733 | 10219 | 5203 |
228 | 14800 | Tavria State Agrotechnological University ( http://www.tsaa.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/tsaa.org.ua ) | 13324 | 15110 | 8827 | 5203 |
229 | 14881 | International University of Economics and Humanities ( http://www.regi.rovno.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/regi.rovno.ua ) | 12310 | 14453 | 10219 | 5203 |
230 | 14893 | Carpathian University ( http://www.kau.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kau.com.ua ) | 12606 | 14412 | 10219 | 5203 |
231 | 14995 | State Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing ( http://dasoa.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dasoa.edu.ua ) | 13941 | 14337 | 10219 | 5203 |
232 | 15025 | Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music ( http://knmau.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/knmau.com.ua ) | 16711 | 13946 | 10219 | 5203 |
233 | 15099 | National University of Fine Arts and Architecture ( http://www.naoma.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/naoma.edu.ua ) | 15373 | 14277 | 10219 | 5203 |
234 | 15213 | Rivne State Humanities University ( http://www.rshu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/rshu.edu.ua ) | 14337 | 14602 | 10219 | 5203 |
235 | 15249 | Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs E A Didorenko ( http://www.lduvs.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/lduvs.edu.ua ) | 18490 | 13830 | 10219 | 5203 |
236 | 15291 | Makiyivs'kij Economics and Humanities Institute ( http://www.megi.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/megi.com.ua ) | 16365 | 14432 | 10219 | 5203 |
237 | 15445 | Kharkov University of Air Forces Ivan Kozhedub ( http://www.hups.mil.gov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/hups.mil.gov.ua ) | 12708 | 15234 | 10219 | 5203 |
238 | 15497 | Kyiv (Kiev) Medical Institute ( http://www.medinstitut.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/medinstitut.kiev.ua ) | 20327 | 12743 | 10219 | 5203 |
239 | 15567 | Classical Private University ( http://www.zhu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/zhu.edu.ua ) | 14490 | 15147 | 10219 | 5203 |
240 | 15582 | Wisconsin International University (Ukraine) ( http://www.wiuu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/wiuu.edu.ua ) | 16265 | 14891 | 10219 | 5203 |
241 | 15626 | School of Business KYBYT ( http://www.kibit.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kibit.com.ua ) | 14059 | 15295 | 10219 | 5203 |
242 | 15651 | (1) Ukrainian State Forest University ( http://www.forest.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/forest.lviv.ua ) | 16939 | 14865 | 10219 | 5203 |
243 | 15658 | Kyiv (Kiev) Academy of Municipal Management ( http://amu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/amu.edu.ua ) | 13461 | 16711 | 8130 | 5203 |
244 | 15749 | Dnipropetrovsk State Finance Academy ( http://www.dsfa.dp.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dsfa.dp.ua ) | 18894 | 14427 | 10219 | 5203 |
245 | 15765 | International University of Finance ( http://www.iuf.kpi.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/iuf.kpi.ua ) | 12858 | 15703 | 10219 | 5203 |
246 | 15796 | Kirovograd Institute of Commerce ( http://www.kik.kr.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kik.kr.ua ) | 17976 | 14889 | 10219 | 5203 |
247 | 15796 | Podolsky Agricultural and Technical State University ( http://www.pdatu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/pdatu.edu.ua ) | 15901 | 15299 | 10219 | 5203 |
248 | 15807 | Odessa State University of Internal Affairs ( http://oduvs.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/oduvs.edu.ua ) | 15108 | 15431 | 10219 | 5203 |
249 | 15884 | Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism ( http://www.liet.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/liet.lviv.ua ) | 8537 | 18083 | 10219 | 5203 |
250 | 15998 | State University of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence ( http://www.suiai.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/suiai.edu.ua ) | 15881 | 15574 | 10219 | 5203 |
251 | 16021 | Kyiv (Kiev) Investment Management Institute ( http://www.kimi.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kimi.kiev.ua ) | 17755 | 15251 | 10219 | 5203 |
252 | 16087 | Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture ( http://www.ogasa.odessa.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ogasa.odessa.ua ) | 13723 | 15960 | 10219 | 5203 |
253 | 16097 | Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Radio and TV ( http://www.uniirt.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/uniirt.com.ua ) | 19594 | 14433 | 10219 | 5203 |
254 | 16132 | Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian University ( http://www.dsau.dp.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dsau.dp.ua ) | 19939 | 14209 | 10219 | 5203 |
255 | 16144 | Institute of Oriental and Africa Countries International Slavic University Kharkov ( http://www.isvamsu.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/isvamsu.com.ua ) | 16734 | 15625 | 10219 | 5203 |
256 | 16330 | Zhitomir Military Institute Sergey Pavlovich Korolev ( http://www.zvir.zt.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/zvir.zt.ua ) | 15666 | 16003 | 10219 | 5203 |
257 | 16383 | International Christian University Kiev ( http://www.icu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/icu.edu.ua ) | 19195 | 15139 | 10219 | 5203 |
258 | 16433 | (1) Donetsk University of Economics and Law ( http://www.donuep.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/donuep.edu.ua ) | 20201 | 14391 | 10219 | 5203 |
259 | 16573 | Mystetskyy Institute of Art and Design Modeling Salvador Dali ( http://www.mixmd.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/mixmd.edu.ua ) | 17193 | 16111 | 10219 | 5203 |
260 | 16694 | Kharkov State Medical University ( http://www.ksmu.kharkov.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ksmu.kharkov.ua ) | 18863 | 15816 | 10219 | 5203 |
261 | 16721 | Lviv National University of Internal Affairs ( http://www.livs.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/livs.lviv.ua ) | 14786 | 16635 | 10219 | 5203 |
262 | 16730 | Kyiv (Kiev) Economic Institute of Management ( http://www.ecoman-university.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ecoman-university.kiev.ua ) | 18396 | 16052 | 10219 | 5203 |
263 | 16790 | Kharkov Humanities-Pedagogical Institute ( http://www.hgpi.kharkov.com/ ) | ( /en/detalles/hgpi.kharkov.com ) | 18180 | 16177 | 10219 | 5203 |
264 | 16813 | Ukrainian Financial-Economic Institute ( http://www.ufei.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ufei.edu.ua ) | 20249 | 14939 | 10219 | 5203 |
265 | 16832 | Kremenchug University of Economics Information Technology and Management ( http://kueitu.com/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kueitu.com ) | 15881 | 16633 | 10219 | 5203 |
266 | 16850 | Lviv State Institute of advanced technologies and management Vyacheslav Chornovil ( http://www.ldi.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ldi.lviv.ua ) | 14163 | 16859 | 10219 | 5203 |
267 | 16933 | Donetsk Institute of Social Education ( http://diso.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/diso.edu.ua ) | 18147 | 16402 | 10219 | 5203 |
268 | 16979 | Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture ( http://www.hgafk.org/ ) | ( /en/detalles/hgafk.org ) | 18200 | 16434 | 10219 | 5203 |
269 | 17107 | Institute of Advertising ( http://www.ir.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ir.edu.ua ) | 17029 | 16827 | 10219 | 5203 |
270 | 17107 | Kyiv (Kiev) Interregional Academy of Personnel Management ( http://www.mka.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/mka.org.ua ) | 15978 | 16985 | 10219 | 5203 |
271 | 17182 | Kharkov Institute of Management ( http://www.khiom.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/khiom.com.ua ) | 17117 | 16909 | 10219 | 5203 |
272 | 17205 | Mariupol State University ( http://mdu.in.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/mdgu.com.ua ) | 17853 | 16790 | 10219 | 5203 |
273 | 17288 | Institute for Tourism Federation of Trade Unions Ukraine ( http://www.itfpu.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/itfpu.kiev.ua ) | 19543 | 16222 | 10219 | 5203 |
274 | 17321 | (1) Odessa State Agrarian University ( http://osau.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/osau.edu.ua ) | 16628 | 17149 | 10219 | 5203 |
275 | 17401 | Galician Academy ( http://www.imega.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/imega.edu.ua ) | 16791 | 17214 | 10219 | 5203 |
276 | 17444 | Institute of Chemical technology Vostochnoukraynskyy National University Vladimir Dal ( http://iht.lg.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/iht.lg.ua ) | 17475 | 17154 | 10219 | 5203 |
277 | 17458 | Khmelnitsky University of Economics ( http://kheu.km.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kheu.km.ua ) | 19734 | 18019 | 7261 | 5203 |
278 | 17483 | Crimean Economic Institute ( http://ceikneu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ceikneu.edu.ua ) | 14995 | 17561 | 10219 | 5203 |
279 | 17547 | Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities ( http://www.kegi.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kegi.com.ua ) | 19331 | 16664 | 10219 | 5203 |
280 | 17815 | Tavria Humanities and Environmental Institute ( http://thei.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/thei.org.ua ) | 18238 | 17490 | 10219 | 5203 |
281 | 17908 | Donetsk Institute of Entrepreneurship ( http://www.dip.donntu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dip.donntu.edu.ua ) | 19939 | 16762 | 10219 | 5203 |
282 | 17960 | Kharkov University of Economics and Law ( http://www.hepu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/hepu.edu.ua ) | 19793 | 16941 | 10219 | 5203 |
283 | 17983 | Lviv State Academy of Finance ( http://www.ldfa.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ldfa.edu.ua ) | 19175 | 17316 | 10219 | 5203 |
284 | 18009 | Dnipropetrovsk Humanities University ( http://dgu.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/dgu.com.ua ) | 15283 | 18136 | 10219 | 5203 |
285 | 18039 | Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration ( http://www.osar.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/osar.edu.ua ) | 15685 | 18135 | 10219 | 5203 |
286 | 18064 | Izmail Institute of Water Transport ( http://iivt.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/iivt.org.ua ) | 14851 | 18268 | 10219 | 5203 |
287 | 18094 | Yalta University of Management ( http://www.yum.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/yum.edu.ua ) | 16165 | 18172 | 10219 | 5203 |
288 | 18200 | Institute of Land and Information Technology ( http://www.izit.ln.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/izit.ln.ua ) | 19217 | 17626 | 10219 | 5203 |
289 | 18200 | Ukrainian Humanities Institute Bucha ( http://ugi.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ugi.edu.ua ) | 20820 | 15622 | 10219 | 5203 |
290 | 18298 | International University of Business and Law Kherson ( http://www.mubip.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/mubip.org.ua ) | 19847 | 17379 | 10219 | 5203 |
291 | 18423 | Kharkov Institute of Socio economic ( http://www.khsei.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/khsei.edu.ua ) | 20201 | 17274 | 10219 | 5203 |
292 | 18505 | Bukovina Chernovtsy State Academy of Finance ( http://www.bsfa.at.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/bsfa.at.ua ) | 19441 | 17931 | 10219 | 5203 |
293 | 18571 | Institute for Entrepreneurship Strategy ( http://strategy.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/strategy.edu.ua ) | 18085 | 18492 | 10219 | 5203 |
294 | 18693 | Interdisciplinary Institute of Management ( http://www.miu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/miu.edu.ua ) | 19053 | 18348 | 10219 | 5203 |
295 | 18693 | Zahidnodonbaskyy Private Institute of Economics and Management ( http://www.zpieu.net/ ) | ( /en/detalles/zpieu.net ) | 14559 | 19073 | 10219 | 5203 |
296 | 18698 | (3) Alfred Nobel University (Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law) Kremenchug ( http://www.ki-duep.com/ ) | ( /en/detalles/ki-duep.com ) | 16571 | 18913 | 10219 | 5203 |
297 | 18710 | Lviv Medical Institute ( http://www.medinstytut.lviv.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/medinstytut.lviv.ua ) | 19645 | 18063 | 10219 | 5203 |
298 | 18757 | Kyiv (Kiev) University of Management and Entrepreneurship ( http://www.kuup.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kuup.com.ua ) | 19024 | 18431 | 10219 | 5203 |
299 | 18819 | Ternopil Institute of Social and Informational Technologies ( http://tisit.info/ ) | ( /en/detalles/tisit.info ) | 15798 | 19079 | 10219 | 5203 |
300 | 18886 | Kremenetskogo Regional Pedagogical Institute ( http://www.kogpi.edu.te.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kogpi.edu.te.ua ) | 14851 | 19255 | 10219 | 5203 |
301 | 18920 | Kyiv (Kiev) State University Ukrainian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship ( http://www.uabp.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/uabp.kiev.ua ) | 19961 | 18192 | 10219 | 5203 |
302 | 19461 | Khmelnitsky Institute of Design Modeling Garments ( http://idmsi.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/idmsi.edu.ua ) | 19793 | 19084 | 10219 | 5203 |
303 | 19582 | Bila Institute of Economics and Management University ( http://bc-uu.com.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/bc-uu.com.ua ) | 19645 | 19334 | 10219 | 5203 |
304 | 19665 | Kyiv (Kiev) Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine ( http://www.maa.kiev.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/maa.kiev.ua ) | 20106 | 19221 | 10219 | 5203 |
305 | 19750 | Kirovograd Institute of Human Development ( http://www.vmurol.kr.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/vmurol.kr.ua ) | 17731 | 19992 | 10219 | 5203 |
306 | 19842 | State Flight Academy of Ukraine ( http://www.sfaou.com/ ) | ( /en/detalles/sfaou.com ) | 19053 | 19893 | 10219 | 5203 |
307 | 20079 | Kirovograd Regional Institute of Management and Economics ( http://kiruenew.narod.ru/ ) | ( /en/detalles/kiruenew.narod.ru ) | 20224 | 19773 | 10219 | 5203 |
308 | 20245 | Melitopol Institute of Ecology and Social Technologies ( http://www.miest.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/miest.org.ua ) | 19829 | 20166 | 10219 | 5203 |
309 | 20692 | Institute of Ecology and Medicine ( http://iem.in.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/iem.in.ua ) | 20179 | 20657 | 10219 | 5203 |
310 | 21161 | Sevastopol Naval Order of the Red Star Institute ( http://avms.org.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/avms.org.ua ) | 18509 | 21225 | 10219 | 5203 |
311 | 21198 | Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University ( http://www.gnpu.edu.ua/ ) | ( /en/detalles/gnpu.edu.ua ) | 14323 | 21244 | 6952 | 5203 |