Європейська комісія анонсувала пріоритети 10 конкурсу ІКТ в 7РП « Новини « Євро Освіта
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Конференція Міжнародної обсерваторії з визначення університетських рейтингів (IREG-5),Берлін 2010 30-09-2010 8 марта 2010 в  Варшаве состоялся круглый стол Межнародной обсерватории по академических рейтингах и достижениям IREG-4 - 14-16 июня 2009 года, Астана, Казахстан
Європейська комісія анонсувала пріоритети 10 конкурсу ІКТ в 7РП

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Код пріоритетуObjective (Назва пріоритету робочої програми)Speaker (Презентер)
ICT-2013.1.2Software Engineering, Services and ComputingSandro D' Elia
ICT-2013.1.3Digital EnterpriseCristina Martinez
ICT-2013.1.4A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things For Smart CitiesCristina Martinez
ICT-2013.1.5Trustworthy ICTAinhoa Uriarte
ICT-2013.1.6Connected and Social mediaFrancisco Medeiros
ICT-2013.1.7Future Internet Research Experimentation (FIRE)Manuel Monteiro
ICT-2011.1.8Use case scenarios and early trials Phase 2[FI PPP]Arian Zwegers
ICT-2011.1.9Capacity building and infrastructure support[FI PPP]
ICT-2013.2.1Robotics, Smart spaces and cognitive systems 
ICT-2013.2.2Robotics use cases & Accompanying measures 
ICT-2013.3.3Heterogeneous Integration of Key Enabling Technologies, Components and SystemsIsabel Vergara
ICT-2013.3.4Advanced Computing, embedded and Control SystemsPanos Tsarchopoulos
ICT-2013.4.1Content analytics and language technologiesPierre-Paul Sondag
ICT-2013.4.3SME initiative on analytics[SME initiative]
ICT-2013.5.1Personalised Health, active ageing and independent livingJaakko Aarnio
ICT-2013.5.2Virtual Physiological HumanAmalia Vlad
ICT-2013.5.3:ICT for smart and personalised inclusionPeter Wintlev
ICT 2013.5.4ICT for Governance and Policy ModellingThanassis Chrissafis
ICT-2013.5.5Collective awareness platforms for Sustainability and Social InnovationFabrizio Sestini
ICT-2013.6.2Data Centres in an energy-efficient and environmental friendly InternetKyriakos Baxevanidis
ICT-2013.6.4Optimising Energy Systems in Smart Cities[Smart Cities]
ICT-2013.6.5Co-operative mobilityHelen Koepman
ICT-2913.6.6Integrated personal mobility for Smart Cities[Smart Cities]
ICT-2013.6.7Electro-mobility[PPP GC]Cosmin Codrea
ICT-2013.7.1Application experiments for robotics and simulations[PPP FoF]Erastos Filos
ICT-2013.7.2Equipment assessment for sensor and laser based applications [PPP FoF]
ICT-2013.8.1Technologies for, and scientific advances in fully creative experiencesAlina Senn
ICT-2013.9.6FET Proactive: Evolving Living Technologies (EVLIT)Beatrice Marquez
ICT-2013.9.7FET Proactive: Atomic and Molecular ScaleDavid Guedj
ICT-2013.9.8Coordinating communities, identifying new research topics for FET Proactive initiatives and fostering interdisciplinary dialogue
ICT-2013.9.9FET FlagshipsWide Hogenhout
ICT-2013.10.2EU-Brazila) Cloud computing for Scienceb) Sustainable technologies for a Smarter Societyc)  Smart Services and applications for a Smarter Societyd)  Hybrid broadcast-broadband TV applications and servicesManuel Monteiro
ICT-2013.10.3International partnership building and support to dialogues – Horizontal International Cooperation ActionsArdiel Cabrera
ICT-2013.11.1Ensuring more efficient, higher quality public services through Pre-Commercial Procurement of ICT solutions across various sectors of public interestLieve Bos
ICT-2013.11.3High quality cloud computing environment for public sector needs, validated through a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) jointly undertaken by MemberStates and the European CommissionSandro D' Elia
ICT-2013.11.4Supplements to Strengthen Cooperation in ICT R&D in an Enlarged European UnionTom McKinlay
ICT-2013.11.5SME Access to Finance and legal advicePierre Marro
ICT-2013.12.1Exascale computing platforms, software and applicationsAniyan Varghese

ICT Proposers’ Day 2012
26-27 Sept. 2012WarsawAlessandro Barbagli

Автор: Ivan Kulchytskyy


Що таке Сьома рамкова програма з підтримки дослідницької діяльності (РП7 - Seventh Research Framework Programme, FP7)

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