Повний перелік журналів вільного доступу «Передові рубежі хімії (генетики, фізики, біотехнологій….)» від Nature Publishing Group

Журнали вільного доступу «Передові рубежі хімії (генетики, фізики, біотехнологій….)» від Nature Publishing Group ( http://www.frontiersin.org/AboutFrontiers.aspx?stage=journalseries&x=y ) - це вже ціле сімейство журналів, в котрих публікуються рецензовані наукові статті (Повний перелік - в доданому файлі)

Frontiers is a community-oriented open-access academic publisher and research network.

Our grand vision is to build an Open Science platform that empowers researchers in their daily work and where everybody has equal opportunity to seek, share and generate knowledge.

Frontiers is at the forefront of building the ultimate Open Science platform. We are driving innovations and new technologies around peer-review, article and author impact metrics, social networking for researchers, and a whole ecosystem of open science tools. We are the first – and only – platform that combines open-access publishing with research networking, with the goal to increase the reach of publications and ultimately the impact of articles and their authors.

Frontiers was launched as a grassroots initiative in 2007 by scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, out of the collective desire to improve the publishing options and provide better tools and services to researchers in the Internet age. Since then, Frontiers has become the fastest-growing open-access scholarly publisher, with a rapidly growing number of community-driven journals, more than 25,000 of high-impact researchers across a wide range of academic fields serving on the editorial boards and more than 4 million monthly page views

Повний перелік журналів вільного доступу (last updated 11/06/2013):

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